We shoot at the Yeovil Sports & Social Club, Johnson Park, Coronation Ave, Yeovil, BA21 3DX  Please contact events@  on our Contacts Page about having a go and finding out when we are running sessions. It’s £10 per half an hour. 

There is free parking at the tennis court’s car park and a walk to the archery at the far end of the field.

Club Members

All members are asked to help out wherever possible with our archery events over the summer, so please do what you can to support your club. This is one of the main ways we attract new members and earn revenue for club equipment.

No experience necessary! If you haven’t done Have-a-Go events before, come along and we can teach you everything you need to know. They always make for a fun day out and there’s usually the chance to try some bare bow shooting practice in during quiet times. There are three stages that you can help with:

Setting up:

On arrival the targets need to be set up, the safety area marked out, bows need to be strung, arrows sorted, bracers arranged and the gazebo’s and signage put up.


Members of the public need to be given a bracer, bow and arrows. They will then be assisted on the line to shoot six to eight arrows. If you’re interested in learning how to teach beginners, let our coach know. It will be the simple ‘point of aim’ technique (without sights & 3 fingers under the nocking point). Once the coaching session is finished, arrows need to be collected and club members can answer any questions the ‘have a goers’ may have about archery or our club and give out information on our beginners courses.

Packing up:

At the end of the event:  all the bows need to be taken down, the arrows sorted and put away, targets packed up and signage taken down.

See also:  
Link to Archery GB’ s Code of Practice for Have-a-go events.