Here are the highest scores for the rounds shot by our club members over the years.


 Recurve Compound Barebow Longbow  Max Score
 YorkD. BowerS. HodgesN. Cowlishaw
(score)8981135159 1296
 Hereford/ Bristol IG. ColemanS. HodgesN. Cowlishaw
 Double Hereford
Bristol IIC. TrimN. Cowlishaw
Bristol IIID. BowerC. TrimA. Sinclair
 Bristol IVP. WiltshireR.LewisC. Trim
 St GeorgeN. CowlishawK. KnowlesN. Skeemer
 AlbionD. BowerK. KnowlesN. Cowlishaw
WindsorJ. OatenN. Skeemer
 Short WindsorC. Trim
 New WesternN. CowlishawK. KnowlesN. Cowlishaw
 Long WesternN. RobertsS. HodgesN. Skeemer
 WesternN. CowlishawS. HodgesC. DenmanN. Cowlishaw
 Short Western D. Furby  J. OatenN. Cowlishaw
 Junior Western D. BowerC. TrimA. Sinclair
 AmericanD. BowerN.SkeemerJ. OatenN. Cowlishaw
 St. NicholasN. Cowlishaw
 New NationalC. WestS. Hodges
 Long National C. WestK. KnowlesC. LamprillN. Skeemer
National C. WestR. LewisC. LamprillN. Cowlishaw
(score) 610 604429280648
(date)19865/08/07 05/05/1618/06/2023
 Short NationalS. HodgesK. KnowlesC. DenmanN. Skeemer
 Junior National D. Osbourne N. Skeemer
 Short Junior National   S.  Price 
 New WarwickD. Bower J. Cunningham
 Long Warwick N. Roberts R. LewisC. DenmanN. Skeemer
 WarwickD. BowerS. HodgesC. DenmanN. Skeemer
 Short Warwick    D. Furby N. SkeemerD. MardenN. Cowlishaw
(date)27/07/1429/07/222011 04/09/22
Junior Warwick D. Bower   N. Cowlishaw
 Short Junior Warwick S. Price P. WiltshireN. Cowlishaw
 Portsmouth W. TimbrelS. HodgesC. TrimN. Skeemer
Double CloutN.Cowlishaw


 RecurveCompound Barebow Longbow  Max Score
 YorkJ. Martin 1296
 Hereford/ Bristol IB. Fenton WilkinsonJ. MartinJ. Martin
 Double HerefordJ. Martin2592
Bristol IIC. ElstonJ. Martin1296
Bristol III1296
 Bristol IVC.Wilmington1296
 St GeorgeJ. Martin972
 AlbionS. MogridgeJ. Martin972
WindsorB. Fenton WilkinsonJ. Martin972
 Short WindsorC.Wilmington
 New WesternJ. Martin
 Long WesternS. MogridgeJ. Martin J. Martin864
 WesternG. SobierajJ. Martin J. Martin864
 Short WesternL. Robinson864
 Junior WesternC.Wilmington
 AmericanL. RobinsonJ. Martin
 St. Nicholas
 New National W. PitkinJ. Martin
(date)1978 14/04/19
 Long NationalW. Pitkin J. Martin
(date)1978 01/07/21
National B. Fenton-WilkinsonJ. Martin J. Martin
 Short NationalF. LloydJ. Martin
(date)23/07/2006 19/08/22
 Junior NationalC.Wilmington
 Short Junior NationalC.Wilmington
 New Warwick
 Long Warwick J. Martin
 WarwickB. Fenton-WilkinsonJ.MatinJ. Martin
(date)8/06/2008 27/04/1718/09/16
 Short WarwickF. Lloyd
Junior WarwickC.Wilmington
 Short Junior Warwick E. Pickup
(score)220 432
 PortsmouthC. Wilmington J. Martin

Junior Gents

 Recurve CompoundBare bowLong Bow  Max Scores
York T. Jackson 
(score)983 1296
(date)Before 83
 Bristol IIS. Lamprill    C. Trim   
(score)1120740 1296
Bristol III C. Trim
 Bristol IVC. Trim
(score)988 1296
 St. George
(score) 972
 Albion T.Jackson
(date)Before 83
 Short WindsorW. HodgesC. Trim972 
Junior WindsorC.Trim
 Short Junior Windsor 972
 New Western T. Jackson  864
(date)Before 83
 Long Western T. Jackson  864
(date)Before 83
 WesternW. HodgesC. Trim864 
 Short WesternW. HodgesC. Trim 864
 Junior WesternS. LamprillC.Trim 864
 Short Junior WesternA. VeyseyA. Bower 864
(date)August 201505/06/16
American T. Jackson
(date)Before 83
 St NicholasW. Hodges 756
New National T. Jackson
(date)Before 83
Long National T.Jackson
(score)532 648
(date)Before 83
 NationalW. HodgesC. Trim
(score)430448 648
 Short NationalW. Hodges C.Trim
 Junior NationalW. HodgesC.Trim
 Short Junior NationalC. Trim
(score)521 684
 New Warwick B. Summerhayes
(score)400 432
 Long Warwick
(score) 432
(score) 432
 Short WarwickN. Brown    
(score)331 432
Junior WarwickS. Lamprill B. Summerhayes Score 230 20/4/2008
 Short Junior WarwickC. TrimC.Trim
 Portsmouth      S. Lamprill   J. Loggage  C. Trim

Junior Ladies

Recurve CompoundBare bowLong Bow  Max Scores
(score) 1296
 Bristol II
(score) 1296
 Bristol IVC,Wilmington
(score)1134 1296
 St. George
(score) 972
 Short Windsor
 Junior WindsorC.Wilmington
 Short Junior Windsor
 New Western
 Long Western
 Short Western
 Junior WesternC.Wilmington
 Short Junior Western
St Nicholas C. Askill  
New National
Long National
(score) 648
(score)326 648
 Short National 50
 Junior National 40
 Short Junior NationalC.Wilmington
(score)604 684
 New Warwick
(score) 432
 Long Warwick
(score) 432
(score) 432
 Short WarwickC. Askill  
(score)217 432
Junior WarwickC.Wilmington
 Short Junior Warwick L. Barlow
 PortsmouthC. Wilmington